Euripides' "Electra" is a theatrical play that delves into choices and their consequences. It explores the inner workings of individuals who, driven by tradition, duty, and revenge, often reach a point of no return.

The humiliated Electra is closed in a stone circular platform supported by columns. The form of the construction suggests a monumental antique palace, at the back of which is a dumping ground for used and unnecessary things - including the royal daughter. The platform refers also to acient Greek buildings. We feel the atmosphere of abandonment, coldness and oblivion. The columns divide the platform into equal fragments resembling rooms in which the audience sits to watch the play. Looking down, they see a sea of mud pouring in from one of the rooms onto the lower floor. In the middle of it sits Elektra, who with with her own hands is creating a symbolic grave for her beloved, murdered father.

From the highest room, symbolizing the entrance to the palace, can be heard a deafening sound of trumpets. A golden light appears, illuminating a female silhouette. It is Klytajmestra, the queen and mother of Electra. She stands at the top of the mountain in a white, richly carved dress reminiscent of an ancient himation. She slowly descends toward her daughter while her feet sink with each step deeper and deeper into the mud.

This project was made in Blender

Technical drawings